Dienstag, 19. April 2022

EdPuzzle on Food Waste

Check out this great EdPuzzle on food waste created a teacher called Cathie-Marie Roca:

Poems about Food Waste

We found an amazing website with poems about food waste! Check it out!

Food waste in Barcelona

262 tonnes of food are wasted every year in Catalan restaurants, shops as well as private households every year (7%).  On a global scale, this is even worse with 33% of the food produced being wasted every year, according to a study conducted by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization.

One solution could be to use food that is no longer good for human consumption to make fertilizer or animal feed. Another way is to buy only the food you need for immediate consumption rather than stock up with large amount of food which will eventually go bad without having been consumed. Also you may want to ignore the actual expiry date and educate yourself about how long food is actually still eatable and how you can find out about this. 

Check out this informational video as well.

Responsible Consumption and Food Waste in Europe

In order to ensure sustainable development within the EU it is absolutely obligatory for all citizens of Europe to become creative about reducing our ecological footprint by finding ways to consume in more responsible fashion. Our shared natural resources are limited and pollutants as well as toxic waste create significant problems for the environment. 

Agriculture is the most extensive user of water on a global scale and unhealthy food is making us all sicker. Every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food are wasted annually. At the same time, roughly two billion people are undernourished or suffer from famine - the same amount of people who are morbidly overweight or obese. 22% of total greenhouse gas emissions are produced by food production, largely on account of deforestation for farmland.

EdPuzzle on Food Waste

Check out this great EdPuzzle on food waste created a teacher called Cathie-Marie Roca: